Loughnane’s Funeral Directors

Professional and experienced service ensuring a dignified and appropriate funeral for your loved one carried out in accordance with the instructions of next of kin with a caring sensitivity towards the needs and wishes of the bereaved.
Traditional funerals
Private funerals
Civil funerals
Humanist funerals
Adapted to your specific wishes.
We arrange collection of remains, embalming, viewing by family, reposing at our funeral home in Feakle or at your local church or at home. We will submit notices of funeral arrangements to radio and press and post online. We will liaise with clergy and gravediggers. We will ensure that the entire funeral runs smoothly and that it is conducted efficiently and professionally from start to finish.

Shannon Crematorium 35 minutes.
We arrange for the cremation of remains at any of our Irish crematoria. Shannon Crematorium is the nearest and most convenient. We enjoy a very good working relationship with the proprietors.
Shannon Airport 35 minutes.
We make all necessary arrangements for receiving into Ireland the remains of those who die abroad. We also arrange the repatriation to their native country of foreigners who die in Ireland.


Member of the Irish
Funeral Directors’